The Similarities between Flyboarding & Snowboarding

With such a vast variety of sporting options, it can get rather confusing to decide which one is the best choice for you. All sports have their own plethora of benefits that are undeniably valuable to the average human being. While we get introduced to land sports such as skateboarding, rollerblading, ice-skating, etc., from a young age, other seasonal sports still seem to be unfamiliar to most people.

The newest and trendiest sport that almost everyone is highly obsessed with is flyboarding. If you’ve ever tried your hand at snowboarding, then it won’t come as a surprise to you that the hydroflying sport and the snow sport are actually very similar in nature due to the command over balance that is required, among other things.

Even the apparatus of a flyboard and a snowboard are rather similar in nature, even though the flyboard is much smaller in size – almost the size of a skateboard.

1.      Mechanism is Alike

One of the main similarities between a flyboard and a snowboard lies in the way both devices have been designed. Although the surface that both of these boards work on are very different, i.e. snow vs. water, the mechanism is still rather identical in nature. The gear that is used to attach or bind your feet to the boards has pretty much the same appearance, sense of feel and it also serves the same purpose – to hold your feet in place when you’re elevated above the ground.

Moreover, the flyboard works on not just one simple mechanism but a mixture of different mechanisms that serve different purposes. The board is there to hold both feet in place while the jet packs that are attached beneath the boots are in charge of giving you that boost that elevates you above the water. However, due to the fact that the hydroflying sport is relatively newer, the mechanism is still being tested by different brands that supply flyboarding equipment.

Both, the snowboard and the flyboard, have boots attached as a means to keeping your feet steady so during the activity, there won’t be a chance of slipping off the board and getting hurt – minimizing the injuries that one might incur especially on their first try at the sport.

2.      Equal Balance Required

The amount of balance that flyboarding requires is the same, if not more, in accordance to the balance that snowboarding requires. It’s certainly not possible to achieve such incredible balance on the very first try, but it definitely is possible to do so after enough training and practicing time.

However, any sport that involves a board also requires a great amount of control over the balance of one’s body. This is one of the main reasons why being atop a flyboard or a snowboard feels alike. In fact, if you have had a few years worth of practice in snowboarding, you won’t face even half the challenge that flyboarding throws at newbies.

Remember, it’s all about how much or how little control you have over the balance of your body at the end of the day. If you manage to ace this principle, you can really get on top of your flyboarding game in little to no time. Practice makes one perfect.

3.      Possibility of Injuries

Similar to how falling off a snowboard can cause a bunch of injuries to you, a flyboard can do just the same thing. Many people are under the assumption that flyboarding can’t possibly cause any injuries due to the surface that it is conducted on, which is water – but this is far from the truth.

Flyboarding takes you high above the water, at least 10-20 feet above, and if you happen to lose your balance at that height, you’re bound to fall into water. You may think that falling in or on water can’t possibly hurt much, but the truth is actually the complete opposite of this theory. It does hurt to fall from such a height, regardless of whether the surface is land, water or snow, and it may even cause some seriously strained muscles.

Injuries that are results of snowboarding tend to be a lot more harmful and they may even last longer depending on how bad the injury itself is. But, in both flyboarding and snowboarding, one can only get injured if they lose control of their balance when they are on the board.

4.      Snowboarding Tricks Can Be Performed on a Flyboard

If you’ve spent enough time on a snowboard, you must be very well aware of how to perform some crazy tricks on it. Many snowboarders who tried out flyboarding made an effort to attempt the same tricks on a flyboard, and needless to say, they were not disappointed.

Due to the similarities of the mechanism of both boards, the tricks are also rather identical and can be performed on either board. That being said, everything you may be able to do on a flyboard can’t possibly be achieved on a snowboard due to the difference in surface i.e. snow vs. water.

However, 360 degree flips, board grabs, back flips, etc., are all some of the main boarding trips and can be performed on either the flyboard or the snowboard. That’s also one of the reasons why a snowboarder can do flyboarding without having to go through the extensive procedure of flyboarding basics and newbie stuff.

5.      Similar Way to Control

As has been mentioned several times in the article, the main way to control any board, be it a flyboard, skateboard or snowboard, is by obtaining control over the balance of your body. Without legitimate control over the balance of your body, you won’t be able to master any sport that revolves around a board attached to your feet with the help of lacings and bindings.

If you don’t have a decent amount of control over your balance, you are bound to fall and fail at the sport because that’s basically the only thing you’ll need to control your board.