Flyboards Have Health Benefits Too! |Buy a Flyboard in New Brighton, MN

It is an adventure sport and like all sports, has its benefits on human health. Flyboards are an innovation of the 21st Century that seem too good to be true. Looking like something right out of Iron Man, however just powered by water, these fascinating machines are a must try to for any adrenaline junkie.  With jet powered suits and hover boards already under development; it is a good time to get used to these devices before it is time to step up the game. Fascinated much? You can buy a flyboard or rent water jet pack and flyboard at Long Lake in New Brighton, MN.

Flyboarding combines adventure sports with water based ones, thus mixing the benefits of both too. So, exactly what health benefits can a sport like fly boarding entail? Let’s take a look.

1.     Decreased risk of chronic illnesses

Water based sports have been proven to reduce the risk of chronic cardiac, respiratory and nervous ailments in patients. Flyboard jet streams only power the board for so long but you have to return to the water after a certain amount of time, thus providing you with combined benefits of swimming and scuba diving at the same time. Swimming is reported to burn almost 300 – 900 calories per hour which is an insane amount considering it’s not the only activity you’re doing.

2.     Great cardio and muscle workout

You’re continuously flexing every muscle in your body with a considerable amount of weight attached to it. Leaving and entering the surface of the water requires energy and muscle workout too. Then holding your breath under water allows for extensive cardio that is great for a healthy body.

Long Lake in New Brighton, MN is a 284 acre water body with easy flyboard rental to get you going on your quest to experience the changes for yourself.

3.     Mental relief

Swimming and Scuba diving are considered one of the most soothing sports of all. Research has shown that water based activities are great for pregnant women and their children to a great extent. Well, Flyboarding is not exactly recommended for pregnant mothers at all, however to highlight the amount of relief these activities provide mentally is substantial. Just gliding through water, being powered by your jet streams can induce an amazingly satisfying sensation in the body.

The cold waters in Long Lake in New Brighton, MN can help you achieve just that like an ice bath.

4.     Increased concentration and fear management

Flyboarding and jetpacks have thrusters that need constant coordination. It allows you to concentrate when to release and when to power which thruster. It gives you great focus and keeps you alert while entering and leaving the surface of the water. And while you’re at it and you realize you’re getting a hang of it, it is possible that you start feeling creative and trying to push the limits, resulting in even further concentration being required.

The thing about fly boarding is that it looks pretty scary at first. It takes an enormous amount of courage to just try it for starters. An even larger push is required to start testing its limits and having fun. Therefore, the activity, like all adventure sports, is great for fear management.  If you live near Long Lake in New Brighton, MN you can rent flyboard and water jet pack with relative ease and go overcome the fear of water or high flying adventure sports.

5.     Improved balance

Staying afloat on those streams of water requires focus and helps improve the body’s balancing abilities. It might take some time getting used to it like, for example, the first time you ride a bike, but once you get a hang of it, your body adjusts and you feel more centered and balanced eventually.

6.     Strengthens the immune system

Coming in contact with water has been proven to boost the body’s immune system.  The human body has its own mechanism to fight of diseases. It is called our immune system. Research indicates that water based activities are great for stimulating this system to work more effectively by producing greater number of white blood cells, i.e., the soldiers that defend us on the inside. It’s like your very own elite force.

Long Lake in New Brighton, MN and its icy waters greatly influence the body and its inner systems like therapy. Combine that with flyboard rentals and you have a complete medical treatment while having an enormous amount of fun.

7.     Exposure to mental and physical healing properties of water

Been highlighted earlier, since water stimulates mental satisfaction and the immune system, the body heals from trauma and ailments better. Having a positive attitude alone has been seen to improve overall health and immune response of the body substantially. Being a combination of water and adventure sports, flyboarding gives us a great opportunity to provide our bodies with a healthy environment throughout the course of the ride.

8.     Gets you an ample amounts of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is produced when a certain pigment in the skin comes in contact with sunlight. Hovering over the surface of the water lets you soak in enormous amounts of sunlight, getting that essential dose of Vitamin D required for healthy growth and development of bones in the body.

These numerous health benefits like muscle workout, cardio, increased concentration, balance and immune response coupled with the breathtaking views of Long Lake in New Brighton, MN while soaring above it on a flyboard is an experience not worth foregoing. You can quite easily buy or rent flyboard and water jet pack at Long Lake in New Brighton, MN for affordable prices.